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Text File | 1994-11-27 | 70.7 KB | 1,440 lines |
- A Blow-By-Blow Account of the 1992 TAPR Annual Meeting
- ======================================================
- The following is based on the notes I took during the TAPR annual
- meeting. Any mistakes are mine. On no account should you assume
- that this account represents the official position of TAPR or anybody
- else. But I hope you find it interesting. You may publish parts or
- all of this document if you wish, but if you do please credit the
- SANDPAC Newsletter. Sorry it took so long for me to get these notes
- published this time.
- 73 -Paul Williamson, KB5MU
- The 1992 TAPR Annual Meeting was called to order by TAPR President
- Bob Nielsen, W6SWE, on March 7 at 9:41AM at the Inn At the Airport in
- scenic Tucson. He introduced Master of Ceremonies "Packet" Pete
- Eaton, WB9FLW, who introduced TAPR Office Manager Heather Johnson,
- N7DZU.
- Heather welcomed everybody to Tucson. TAPR office hours are Tuesday
- to Friday, 10 AM to 3 PM. Thanks to Bob Nielsen, W6SWE, for his work
- as President of TAPR. Thanks to Pete Eaton, WB9FLW, for taking care
- of TAPR's presence at the Dayton Hamvention. Thanks to Ron Bates,
- AG7H, for fielding technical questions. Thanks to Dave Medley,
- KI6QE, for fielding questions on the PK-232 DCD mod and the PSK
- modem. Everybody hates not to have the latest version of software,
- so thanks to the new librarian, Lou Nigro, KW7H, for updating all the
- software in the TAPR library. Anybody who has software that should
- be in the TAPR library, contact Lou. And of course, thanks to Lyle
- Johnson, WA7GXD, for fielding the daily barrage of miscellaneous
- questions. The new TAPR 9600 baud modem is available now at $70, and
- the Trakbox is available now at $185. Thanks to everybody associated
- with TAPR for being fun to work with.
- Bob Nielsen, W6SWE, took the microphone again, and asked everybody to
- introduce themselves. 112 of the usual suspects from all over the
- place were present. Nielsen then announced that the TAPR Board of
- Directors had been resized to 9 positions. The new officers are:
- President: Bob Nielsen, W6SWE
- Vice President: Dave Toth, VE3GYQ
- Secretary: (open, volunteers?)
- Directors: Tom Clark, W3IWI
- Jerry Crawford, K7UPJ
- Jack Davis, WA4EJR
- Pete Eaton, WB9FLW
- Greg Jones, WD5IVD
- Dan Morrison, KV7B
- Harold Price, NK6K
- Bob Hansen, N2GDE, will continue to serve as editor of the Packet
- Status Register. Lou Nigro, KW7H, will take over as software
- librarian.
- Pete Eaton, WB9FLW, took the microphone at 10:00 AM. For the first
- time, this year's TAPR meeting is recorded by a printed Proceedings.
- Thanks to the several speakers who managed to submit papers for the
- Proceedings. He then introduced the first speaker:
- ==================
- Lyle Johnson, WA7GXD
- TAPR's New 9600 Baud Modem - What It Is, What It Isn't
- TAPR's new 9600 baud modem is compatible with existing K9NG and G3RUH
- 9600 baud modems. It's an inexpensive kit, capable of full duplex
- operation (like the G3RUH but unlike the K9NG), with improved DCD
- (data carrier detect) performance and clock recovery. It looks up
- the transmit waveform in ROM, like the G3RUH, and has a frequency
- response compensation adjustment on the receive side. The board is
- designed to mount internally in a TNC-2 (where it's a tight squeeze)
- or a PK-232. The board includes provisions for bit regeneration
- (parts optional) for use in a full duplex digipeater.
- There are about 5000 G3RUH modems in service overall. Heathkit is
- mostly out of the kit business, so one of the goals of the 9600 baud
- modem project was to leverage TAPR's expertise at packaging kits to
- make available a 9600 baud modem with better performance than the
- K9NG at a reasonable price. The design address problems with the
- K9NG modem (like its half duplex design) and adds features for
- network builders (like the bit regenerator). The state machine in
- the K9NG could mistake silence (like a squelched radio or a weak
- carrier) for a data carrier, thus holding off transmission
- indefinitely. The new state machine design cures that problem, and
- also gives better clock recovery.
- A block diagram of the modulator portion of the modem was displayed.
- The modem disconnect header (TAPR standard or PacComm extended) goes
- into a data scrambler, to the transmit waveform ROM lookup table, to
- a digital to analog converter, through a filter, and out to the
- radio. The clock can be obtained from the modem disconnect, or
- generated on the 9600 baud modem board. RTS from the TNC controls
- PTT through a watchdog and an LED indicator. Programmable logic
- provides switching from the 9600 baud modem to the TNC's internal
- modem. It is still necessary to hook up the modem directly to the
- discriminator and modulator inside the radio, not to the speaker and
- microphone jacks.
- A block diagram of the demodulator portion of the 9600 baud modem was
- displayed. The input buffer has a high input impedance, 100 kohm or
- more. A Butterworth 6kHz filter is tweakable to compensate for the
- frequency response of the receiver, which is especially useful with
- rigs with LC filters like Mitreks. The data slicer feeds a
- descrambler, state machine and DCD circuit, with an output for a bit
- error rate test. The DCD detects synchronous transitions, rather
- than the lack of asynchronous transitions as before.
- Block diagram of the bit regenerator. It consists of a PAL and a
- FIFO chip. The FIFO inserts a nominal delay of 8 bits, and is
- required to eliminate bit jitter and timing errors in the received
- signal. The result is that if the repeater can copy the input signal
- at all, it will transmit a perfect signal. A diagram of the
- switching configuration shows how the bit regen is connected with the
- TNC, so that the TNC can transmit on the channel instead of the bit
- regenerator.
- A sample of the 9600 baud modem was passed around the room. It's a
- four layer PC board, which helps cut the RF noise. It's relatively
- compact, but it has a lot of parts on it. The documentation shipping
- today is preliminary, and needs more information on hookup to various
- TNCs and radios. Updated documentation will be sent to early buyers.
- Question: I'm interested in higher speeds than 9600. Is this modem
- planned to be scalable to higher baud rates?
- Answer: It hasn't been tested, but it should work. The op amps and the
- ROM lookups are plenty fast. The input analog filter would have to be
- adjusted. The transmit lookup table might help at higher speeds to
- compensate for the nonlinearities of a wider filter. We should try that
- experiment.
- Question: Has it been tested on the satellite? How does its
- performance compare to the G3RUH?
- Answer: It hasn't been tested on the satellite yet. Lab bench tests
- aren't realistic, but they show that the new modem is no better than
- the G3RUH, and 1 to 2 dB worse under some conditions.
- Question: The PK232 limits the TBAUD (computer to TNC) rate to 9600.
- Does this cause a problem when using the PK232 with a 9600 baud
- modem?
- Answer: We haven't noticed any problems in testing. Probably the
- worst thing is that you won't be able to keep the pipe completely
- full on transmit, resulting in dead time.
- On the PK232, the ALTMODEM 1 command permits the user to switch to
- the 9600 baud modem from the keyboard. This means you effectively
- have a third radio port, because you can leave the PK232's two
- existing ports hooked up to other radios.
- TXD (delay between PTT and first data) is another issue. If you have
- the state machine DCD mod kit in your PK232, there's a small extra
- delay that requires increased DCD at the other end. With a TNC-2 or
- a Kantronics DataEngine we could run TXD of 1 or 2.
- Question: Has the modem been tried at 4800 baud on the 6m backbone?
- Answer: No.
- ==================
- Dewayne Hendricks, WA8DZP
- Use of CDMA Spread Spectrum in the Amateur Service
- Last year at the TAPR meeting, we talked about Part 15 spread spectrum
- (SS) communications systems, and displayed a low-cost commercial
- product capable of high data rates. The year before that, N3FCT
- presented a paper on license-free spread spectrum. Folks in the San
- Francisco Bay area were inspired to look at the Part 15 market. The
- results of a field test of units from Proxim was posted on Usenet.
- One watt into a 6 dBi antenna gave 2 miles LOS tested and 8 miles LOS
- predicted at 121 kbps. There's been lots of activity in the wireless
- LAN market and at the FCC since then. We wanted to find out why the
- amateur radio service isn't using SS techniques, and approach the FCC
- for whatever rule changes are needed. An STA (Special Temporary
- Authority) for testing was sought and obtained.
- A second generation Proxim unit was passed around. It is a 121 kbps
- data radio (data in, antenna out) in a very tiny box. In the OEM
- package for laptops, it costs $50. The internal modules of the
- Proxim radio were displayed - all very tiny. Computer manufacturers
- are starting to put these directly into laptops for wireless LAN
- use. Challenge to ham radio: get coordinated with the computer BBS
- folks and build a wireless Internet.
- The ARRL Spread Spectrum Handbook is good for a basic tutorial and
- for historical information on SS. AMRAD did the experiments that led
- to the current rules permitting SS. The present rules are like
- handcuffs. In particular, they mean that amateurs won't be able to
- use commercial SS products, because they don't happen to use one of
- the few spreading sequences permitted by the rules. We decided to
- seek a rules change. This turned into a long process. It turns out
- to be important to use connections in rulemaking matters. After last
- year's meeting, Paul Rinaldo, W4RI, at ARRL HQ was approached for,
- and arranged, ARRL cooperation for an STA submission. After several
- months, and polishing by the League lawyers, the STA application was
- submitted to the FCC, which promptly sat on it and did nothing.
- About this time, the League managed to get FCC Chief Engineer Stanley
- to speak at the Computer Networking Conference. Stanley is a
- proponent of spread spectrum, and he was interested in the amateur
- proposal. He assigned a staffer to the STA. The STA requested a two
- year authorization for any spreading code on any VHF or higher band.
- Before the STA could be approved, the staffer had to get every agency
- involved with the use of any of those bands to accept the proposal.
- It was a lot of work, but with support for Stanley and the League is
- was done. The STA was granted.
- There are plans for tests in at least the Northern and Southern
- California areas. People interested in serious experimentation with
- SS can be added to the STA. The intention is to eventually submit a
- Petition for rulemaking to get a better set of SS rules. The
- restrictions on spreading codes and the requirement for narrowband
- station ID are particularly onerous.
- One test is starting in San Diego, under the California State Library
- project for packet radio. Using radios produced by SRI, the project
- will interconnect libraries to the wide variety of online databases
- available via the Internet, without the cost of a 56kbps landline
- connection to the Internet. The pilot project in San Diego is
- sponsored by Apple Computer, and radios have been donated by
- Tetherless Access (Hendricks's company) and by hams. Parts of the
- network are operated under Part 15 (license free), Part 97 (amateur),
- and Part 5 (experimental).
- Funding has been allocated in the Bay area to connect 100 libraries
- from San Jose to Roseville, San Francisco to Sacramento, all in one
- WAN. Part 97 (amateur) radios are to be used for long haul links,
- and Part 15 radios for intra-city links. This experiment will last
- through the end of the year. Phase II will involve redesigned 1.5
- Mbps radios and associated networking software. Currently the
- project supports only Macintosh computers, partly because any Mac off
- the shelf can handle up to 900 kbps data links. Hams in northern and
- southern California will be seeded with equipment to try out Phase
- II.
- There's a lot of work to do. First, get the FCC rules changed. That
- will take 1 to 1.5 years, on the fast track. It is hoped that the
- rules will be changed before the STA ends. Then hope that
- manufacturers will go after the ham market. We haven't done a good
- job of keeping the FCC up to date. We need to tell the FCC where the
- public interest lies. The FCC wants to help, but we have to play the
- game: STAs, Part 15, waivers, and so forth.
- Question: Is all the Part 15 activity at 900 MHz?
- Answer: No, we're not using 900 MHz at all. We are currently working at
- 2.4 GHz, and have plans for 5.7 GHz.
- ====================
- Fried Heyn, WA6WZO, ARRL Southwestern Division Director
- Read the Division newsletter for more about what's going on. Some high
- points:
- There's a bill in Congress that can protect amateur frequencies from
- further erosion.
- A big effort funded by the ARRL membership was directed to preserving
- amateur spectrum at WARC-92. The results are not final yet, but it
- appears that no amateur spectrum was lost at the conference!
- The 1992 ARRL National Convention is at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott.
- ====================
- Jon Bloom, KE3Z
- TAPR DSP Project Report
- KE3Z received one of the first set of beta test DSP boards from the
- hardware designer, Lyle Johnson. Procrastination set in: the board
- has over 2000 holes, so assembling it is a bit of work. Finally, got
- it assembled. The next step was to learn about how to do DSP
- programming. Highly recommended: the Computer Literacy Bookstores in
- and around San Jose. Good books for techno-weenies, including some
- on DSP.
- Some preliminary DSP applications are already written and working. A
- Bell 202 (1200 bps AFSK, like on 2m packet) modem is up and working,
- with a driver for KA9Q NOS for packet use. A RTTY modem (2125/2295
- Hz AFSK) with a RTTY driver and receive-only AMTOR driver is working.
- Dave Hershberger, W9GR, has written two audio-in/audio-out filter
- programs. One notches out tone interferers from the audio channel,
- and works great. The other tries to remove noise from an SSB signal,
- and needs more work. These filters were originally written for a
- TMS32010 board of his own design, and have been mechanically ported
- to the TMS320C20 on the TAPR DSP board (so they aren't optimized for
- it).
- The lesson is that DSP software isn't necessarily magic anymore. It
- is quite possible to write working modem software, for instance,
- without getting heavily into sophisticated mathematics. The basic
- building blocks are simple, and design tools exist to handle filter
- design.
- Coming attractions:
- Bell 103 modem (HF packet)
- 1200 baud PSK for Pacsats
- 9600 baud FSK (K9NG/G3RUH/TAPR compatible)
- Spectrum display
- 4800 baud PSK for Pacsat - the satellite has never been in this
- mode, since no user modems have ever been built.
- 2400 bps Kantronics-style
- improved W9GR "de-noiser" filter
- weather fax
- slow-scan television
- Some of these applications exist for other boards, and just need to
- be ported to the TAPR board. Others need to be written from
- scratch. Many of these applications will be implemented over this
- spring and summer. PC software to support the applications is also
- needed. NOS is nice for some packet applications, but other
- applications need other PC software.
- A virtual-hardware block diagram of the RTTY demodulator is shown.
- It's just two bandpass filters running into detectors, followed by a
- comparator and lowpass filter. Standard stuff.
- DSP-oriented block diagram of the RTTY demodulator. The bandpass
- filters are straight out of a manufacturer's application note. The
- coefficients for the filters are computed by a computer program, so
- no heavy math is needed. The filter design is an 80-tap FIR (finite
- impulse response) linear phase filter. The detector is just absolute
- value, then a peak detector followed by a decay. The comparator is
- just a subtraction. The lowpass filter is another cookbook design.
- That's it. Notice the absence of any higher math in this
- description. This isn't the optimum demodulator, but it's as good as
- most analog designs, and it works.
- A similar approach was tried for the Bell 202 demodulator, but for
- unknown reasons it didn't work very well. A Bell 103 modem was taken
- from another ap note, based on a discriminator design: the audio is
- delayed by 90 degrees and mixed with itself, then lowpass filtered
- and compared to zero. The Bell 202 demodulator is just this design,
- tweaked up for Bell 202 tones and bit rate.
- The book _Digital Signal Processing Experiments_ by Alan Kamas and
- Edward A. Lee contains a diskette with educational versions of
- Burr-Brown DSP design tools, including the tool that generates
- coefficients for FIR filters. The book is quite inexpensive (about
- $21) for a DSP tool set. It's published by Prentice-Hall;
- recommended.
- Both DSP programmers and PC programmers are needed to work on
- applications for the TAPR DSP project. The PC level programmer sees
- an environment much like a DSRI board plugged into a PC. Contact Jon
- Bloom if you're interested.
- Tom Clark, W3IWI, spoke up:
- The TAPR DSP project grew out of earlier development on the
- Dalanco-Spry Model 10 DSP board. About 30 of these boards were
- purchased, and probably some could be made available to new
- interested people. Lots of applications were written for the
- Dalanco-Spry board, and they're all available for the grabbing on
- tomcat (Tom C's AT) by anonymous FTP via Internet, or by telephone,
- or by floppy disk if necessary. Another application that's needed is
- a good adaptive HF modem (along the lines of Clover II), and HF
- protocols that can use them. AX.25 sucks on HF. AMTOR has problems,
- too. Pacsat broadcast protocols are a bit like what's needed for an
- HF protocol, but it needs changes for the HF environment.
- Question: Who is doing satellite imaging?
- Answer (W3IWI): The AEA box has it. The Dalanco-Spry board had it,
- and that version will be ported (or rewritten) for the TAPR DSP
- board. We may want to rewrite rather than porting Dalanco-Spry
- applications, because the subset of instructions supported by that
- processor was pretty brain-damaged compared to the instruction set of
- the TMS320C20 used on the TAPR DSP. The AEA box contains a Motorola
- 56001 DSP processor. Its modems are superb compared to analog
- modems.
- Question: What sampling rate can DSPs handle?
- Answer (W3IWI): The Dalanco-Spry board could do a spectral display at
- 50 KHz.
- Answer (KE3Z): It's been suggested that we can just digitize the
- antenna voltage.
- Answer (W3IWI): Unintentional radiation can be a problem. The DSP
- processors can generate a lot of crud.
- Answer (KE3Z): The TAPR DSP board is pretty well decoupled.
- ======================
- Bob Nielsen presented an award to Chuck Green, N0ADI, for his
- outstanding contributions to the development of packet radio through
- ten years of TAPR. Chuck accepted the award, but claimed that it
- represents the teamwork that goes on behind the scenes everywhere.
- Pete Eaton held the drawing for door prizes, then the meeting broke
- for lunch.
- ======================
- Mike Parker, KT7D
- The Radio Workstation Concept
- Block diagram: Antenna connected to analog radio, connected to a
- digital sampling and output box, connected to a general purpose
- workstation.
- The problem with DSP software is that it's so difficult to write for
- special-purpose DSP processors. By the time you've finished writing
- the software, the special-purpose DSP processor you wrote it for is
- obsolete. Worse, by that time your general-purpose workstation has
- improved in performance to the point where it outperforms the old
- special-purpose DSP! This whole problem can be bypassed by writing
- the DSP application for the general purpose workstation in the first
- place. Portable languages can be used, so it should be easy to take
- advantage of improved workstation technology as it comes along.
- Block diagram of a sample application (not implemented): meteorology
- satellite image reception and display. The software can be written
- in manageable small modules, like orbit prediction or overlay
- generation, and the resulting modules can be patched together readily
- to make a complex application.
- The SPARCstation currently used as the workstation costs about
- $10,000 after discounts. Thus the TAPR DSP project and the Radio
- Workstation approach address different (but overlapping) issues. The
- TAPR DSP is cost effective, IF you can get the software working
- quickly. Experimental applications written for the Radio Workstation
- might serve as prototypes for DSP-board applications.
- The current configuration uses a DAT (digital audio tape) machine
- interfaced via SCSI to the SPARCstation or VAX, running Unix or VMS,
- with signal processing software, an interactive display layer like X,
- and FORTRAN with VMS extensions and C for widgets. This isn't a
- cheap configuration, but it's off-the-shelf. The code developed for
- this project is being made available free, on the condition that if
- you add to it, you make your results available free also.
- Why should TAPR get involved in this project?
- - to help promote research
- - to spend time doing research, not software development
- - to develop and debug applications for the TAPR DSP board
- - to help develop standards for file structures, datalink
- structures, and so forth, before it's too late.
- Question: How big is the publicly-available source code?
- Answer: About 100,000 lines of code, comprising 300 processing primitives.
- =====================
- Tom Clark, W3IWI
- Various Topics
- Topic #1: 900 MHz
- In 1985, Motorola and NEC were engaged in a battle to dominate the
- market for cellular telephone base station equipment. In 1990, NEC
- gave up on the market, and the hardware they had managed to sell was
- orphaned. In 1991, the NEC hardware at cell sites in Richmond was
- scrapped. A total of over 100 45W radios already outfitted for 19.2
- kbps data were made available surplus for $20 each. The equipment
- complement for a normal cell site was 16 transmitters and 16
- receivers, all nicely racked up. Six cell sites plus spares were
- scrapped. Each cluster weighs about 800 pounds and fills a pickup
- truck. The salvaged radios are all spoken for, but similar
- opportunities may become available in other areas.
- The radios are set up for 19.2 kbps data, with a digital interface,
- used originally for signaling for billing purposes. They are
- designed for full duplex operation, and the receiver won't work
- without the transmitter operating. An analysis of the filters
- indicates that data scramblers will probably not be required. The
- transmitters are a very simple, conservative design. They are
- serviceable, understandable, and robust.
- Block diagram of the receiver. A buffer amp feeds a
- synthesizer-driven mixer, followed by a standard IF and
- discriminator. A measurement of received signal strength goes to a
- Z80 microprocessor. The audio and demodulated data go out. The 70
- MHz IF filters are from the same line as those used in the Microsat
- receiver. The RF filters will need to be replaced with ones that can
- go up to the amateur 900 MHz frequencies. High-side injection will
- be needed, because low-side injection puts the IF image in a crowded
- spot in the band. The modification involves removing a chip
- capacitor and trimming a microstrip. It remains to be seen whether
- the Z80 processor part of the board is useful. Perhaps it could be
- used for signal strength telemetry.
- Block diagram of the transmitter. A 15.36 MHz oscillator drives a
- synthesizer. A power controlled amplifier chain feeds the antenna.
- The modulator frequency modulates the synthesizer. One bandpass
- filter in the RF path needs to be replaced to reach the amateur 900
- MHz band.
- All this cost us $20 per unit. Be jealous.
- Outstanding issues and problems:
- * The transmit frequency isn't easily moved. Luckily, this is a
- relatively simple radio so modifications are easy.
- * Frequency stability. In the cell site, the radios were driven by one
- common master oscillator at 15.36 MHz. To use the radios individually
- and get 1 kHz error at 900 MHz, we need to provide an oscillator that's
- good to one part in 1e6. Crystal manufacturers want $80 to $90 for
- such an oscillator, despite the quantity price of around $7. If anybody
- knows a source for small quantities of 15.36 MHz oscillators, please let
- me know.
- * Antennas and preamps. To use all 100 radios, we need to get 200 antennas
- and 100 preamps. They have to be cheap and easy to replicate 100 times.
- * The vehicle locator service has priority over the amateur service in the
- 900 MHz band. The AVL (automatic vehicle locator) folks have been very
- aggressive about defending their allocation, even threatening civil suits
- against retail stores using theft alarms in the band. The North Texas
- Microwave Group is also looking into this problem.
- * Network coordination and architecture. This is mainly a political
- problem. It has practical implications, like what kind of antennas are
- needed and where they have to be pointed. The biggest problem is how
- get everyone to agree on something, anything.
- * Data pump. The standard NET/ROM or TheNet stack of TNC's isn't suitable.
- Something like the Kantronics DataEngine, PacComm's V53 board, or the
- Gracilis PackeTen board is needed. It has to be cheap, reliable, and
- robust enough to survive a mountaintop environment.
- Topic #2: AO-13 orbit decay and Phase III-D
- AMSAT OSCAR-13 is in a highly elliptical orbit, and its perigee height
- has been decreasing steadily. If this trend continues, the satellite
- would be lost during 1992. However, the perigee height is starting to
- turn up, as predicted.
- A graph shows the prediction generated using the Cray computer
- running the NASA GEODYN theoretical model of deep space orbits, and
- the NORAD tracking data obtained since the prediction was run. The
- real data tracks the prediction pretty well. The prediction shows
- that AO-13 will be lost in 1996.
- The effect is NOT atmospheric drag. The gravity field of the Sun and
- the Moon are changing the shape of the orbit, making it more narrow
- and moving it toward apogee. When the eccentricity reaches 0.75, the
- perigee will intersect the atmosphere. The inclination is also
- changing.
- AO-13 is going to die. There's no way to save it: there's no fuel on
- board, and there's no way to dig a deep enough tunnel through the
- Earth. So, what we need is a replacement satellite.
- A diagram of the Phase III-D mechanical design shows a *really* *big*
- satellite. It's roughly triangular, 8 feet on a side, with two solar
- panel "wings" with a 17-foot span. The configuration shown (one of
- several proposed) has antennas for bands from 10 meters to 10 GHz.
- The satellite will have receivers on 2 meters through 3 cm,
- transmitters on 10 meters through 3 cm, and a programmable IF matrix
- capable of selecting any desired combination of bands.
- Users in urban areas are having more and more trouble installing
- large antennas, so the satellite will have 10 dB to 20 dB more
- performance on each link. The 10m downlink will be capable of
- several hundred watts, possibly using the long solar panel wings for
- an antenna. The gain antennas for 2m and 70cm consist of several
- elements mounted on the sides of the spacecraft, each with its own
- amplifier with controllable phase, giving many possible antenna
- patterns. The satellite will be 3-axis stabilized using momentum
- wheels, so the antennas will always be pointing straight down at the
- Earth.
- This new satellite will also have an elliptical orbit. We've learned
- an important lesson with AO-13: elliptical orbits are chaotic. It's
- possible (though not easy) to predict what will happen with a
- well-known set of initial conditions, but it's not possible to
- compute a set of initial conditions that will result in a desired
- orbit. So, to ensure that Phase III-D will have a long life in the
- desired orbit, it will be equipped with a motor that can be used many
- times to made adjustments to the orbit. The desired orbit makes
- exactly 3 orbits in exactly 2 days, so the groundtrack repeats every
- other day, with spectacular coverage. The German AMSAT folks
- negotiated a launch opportunity on the first experimental flight of
- the Ariane 5 rocket (we can't afford a launch like this on a proven
- vehicle).
- Topic #3: TCP/IP and Internet
- All sorts of packet-related goodies are available online on the
- Internet on the computer ucsd.edu and tomcat.gsfc.nasa.gov. Soon a
- dedicated host for AMSAT mail, amsat.org, will be installed at UCSD
- in San Diego under the supervision of network guru Brian Kantor,
- Phil Karn, KA9Q, added a hack to his TCP/IP software package to
- permit IP packets to be encapsulated inside IP packets. This permits
- packets from one amateur radio network to be sent to another amateur
- network over the Internet, without the intervening hosts needing to
- know about the amateur networks. At least seven "encap" gateways
- have been installed for this purpose: Honolulu, Sydney, Richmond,
- Chicago, Las Vegas, Geneva, and Ottawa. To install such a gateway
- just takes someone with both radio smarts and a good Internet
- connection. Is this amateur radio? Well, it sure is on the ends.
- The internet has proven to be a valuable resource. Encourage people
- to find a way to get on the Internet. The Internet powers that be
- have blessed this kind of operation as a legitimate use of the
- Internet.
- Topic #4: World's Smallest NOS Box?
- A HP-95LX palmtop computer was displayed running KA9Q NOS. It has
- both RS-232 and Infrared data interfaces.
- Question: What funding is needed for Phase III-D?
- Answer: The total commitment is about $3 million. The ARRL and
- AMSAT-NA have committed over $1 million, the rest comes from other
- national groups around the world.
- Question: Is that realistic?
- Answer: I hope so. If it isn't, and we can't get industrial
- sponsorships to fill the difference, the AMSAT's ability to develop
- bigger and better satellites is at an end. The amateur satellite
- program puts amateur radio in the limelight as a technical pioneer.
- Question: Is there time to get the satellite built?
- Answer: Yes. But commitments have to be made soon.
- Question: Is there a special fund for this?
- Answer: Yes, the Phase III-D Spacecraft fund.
- Followup: What do I write on the check?
- Answer: "AMSAT" and lots of zeroes. You can earmark any contribution
- for particular projects if you want.
- Question: Are there plans for a digital transponder?
- Answer: Yes, in every path. Imagine having T1 rates or better on some
- of the microwave channels.
- Question: How will the satellite know which way to point?
- Answer: The idea of using GPS receivers to orient the satellite is
- still being investigated. The satellite will be outside the GPS
- orbit much of the time, so we need to know the antenna patterns of
- the GPS satellites (which aren't advertised).
- Question: What data interface do the cellular radios have?
- Answer: RS-422 differential.
- Question: What about duplexers for all those radios?
- Answer: We may just use separate antennas. We did get some duplexers
- and so forth with the cell hardware.
- =====================
- Lyle Johnson, WA7GXD, and Jack Davis, WA4EJR
- Hardware Projects: Trakbox, Deviation Meter, Etc.
- The Trakbox is a good example of a project that involved extensive
- international cooperation. Jack Davis, WA4EJR, was involved from the
- beginning, and TAPR got involved recently.
- The project began in Sweden with amateurs using building block circuit
- boards from Micromint. These boards were based on the 8051 family of
- microcontrollers, and were originally published as projects in Byte
- magazine. Amateurs in Japan decided to make a special-purpose board
- to cut costs. Schematics and firmware were exchanged between amateurs
- in various countries using UoSAT OSCAR-14. The resulting board is now
- available as a kit from TAPR.
- The board is a standalone rotor controller. This solves the problem of
- pointing the antennas at satellites, especially fast-moving satellites
- in low earth orbit, while also trying to do other tasks. The Kansas City
- Tracker has been available for a while now, but it requires an IBM PC,
- and takes up a slot, and requires the PC to be on during the pass. The
- Trakbox eliminates these limitations.
- The Trakbox is based on an 8051 microcontroller with RAM and program
- memory, a realtime clock, and a LCD display. The user provides
- Keplerian elements through an RS-232 serial port, and then controls
- the operation of the Trakbox using the LCD display and front panel
- controls. The box interfaces directly to Kenpro rotators, and can be
- interfaced to other brands of rotator. The Trakbox can also control
- the receive frequency to compensate for Doppler shift, using either
- the computer interface or the up/down step buttons on Icom, Kenwood,
- or Yaesu radios.
- A portion of the price of each kit sold is donated to the Phase III-D
- project. The documentation shipping now is preliminary. The
- assembly instructions are complete, but the operating manual is a bit
- primitive. Since the Trakbox is easy to use, this isn't too bad. The
- manual will be updated, and software development continues to improve
- speed and add features. Firmware updates will be free, or TAPR can
- reprogram the EPROM for the usual nominal fee.
- A bare board identical to the one used in the RUDAK digital transponder
- was passed around.
- A piece of unusual looking hardware mounted on a big round aluminum
- plate was displayed, and the audience was asked to guess what it
- was. It was a TAPR development project around 1985 that didn't get a
- lot of publicity. It was a data collection and experiment control
- system for a payload built by a group of high school students in
- Dallas. It was flown in a GAS (Get-Away Special) Can on the space
- shuttle Discovery in 1985. Unfortunately, delays before and after
- launch proved too much for the batteries, and all the data was lost
- before it could be downloaded from the experiment.
- The prototype of the TAPR Deviation Meter was passed around. A block
- diagram shows a 2 meter receiver with a 10.7 MHz IF followed by a
- second IF, followed by peak detectors feeding an analog-to-digital
- converter. The A/D converter is read by a tiny microcontroller,
- which also runs an LED display and an RS-232 port, and can output the
- measured deviation to either. The frequency synthesizer can tune any
- frequency in the 2m band. A calibration oscillator is on-board in
- the 10.7 MHz IF to permit the board to calibrate itself. Everything
- on the prototype is working, except a single buffer amplifier in the
- 135 MHz local oscillator. The prototype was used to test the 9600
- baud modem kit.
- Once the buffer amplifier problem is fixed, we can "turn the crank"
- and make a batch of the deviation meters available. TAPR has receive
- mail claiming that it's impossible to make a product like this for
- less than $100, but TAPR can!
- Question: Does the TrakBox emit any RF at 2m?
- Answer: Maybe a little, but your outside antennas probably won't hear
- it.
- Question: Does the LCD on the Trakbox show the time to the next pass?
- Answer: No, it shows the present time. It does have a (slow) future
- prediction mode via the serial port.
- Question: How was this nice circuit board created?
- Answer: Chuck Green, N0ADI, did the layout using ProCAD. TAPR uses
- circuit board fab houses in Tucson and in Orange County, CA.
- Question: How fast can a new board be manufactured?
- Answer: That depends on the cost. For a standard TAPR production run
- of 20 to 100 multilayer boards, it costs about $800 to $1000 per lot.
- =====================
- Mark Oppenheim, KD6KQ
- VITA - Volunteers in Technical Assistance
- VITA was founded 30 years ago by a group of scientists in Arlington,
- VA, to service as an information conduit to assist developing
- countries with their technical infrastructure. A staff of about 75
- people presently answers requests free of charge. Many VITA
- volunteers are also registered with their areas of expertise,
- including N6ARE, WA7GXD, NK6K, HB9AQZ. In times of disaster, like
- the earthquake in Armenia, VITA coordinates donors, using their large
- communications setup at the office. HF packet and Pacsat operation
- are among the supported modes.
- Since 1981, VITA has been working on using packet in developing
- countries. Local telephone systems are often like two tin cans with
- a bad string between them, and are unusable for data. Thanks to the
- amateur radio work in reducing the cost of packet radio, packet (on
- non-amateur frequencies) can be used to bypass the phone network. VHF
- packet was used to coordinate aid during the Ethiopian famine.
- Demonstration networks have been operated in Somalia, Lesuthu, and
- Mozambique. An HF network is operating in Sudan.
- VITA first worked with packet satellites using UoSAT-2. The software
- was too manual, and the satellite was so deaf that a large water
- buffalo would be needed to power the uplink transmitter. UoSAT
- OSCAR-14 was launched with partial VITA funding. Software delays and
- complexity were problems. VITA hired a programmer to develop
- simple-to-use groundstation software for their application, and they
- use Quiktrak for satellite tracking. The next step is to launch a
- dedicated satellite, VITAsat. There may be room for some amateur
- radio payload as well. A network with up to 500 groundstations in
- planned.
- UoSAT OSCAR-22 was originally to be mainly used by VITA and Satellife,
- a group with similar purposes but oriented toward medical
- technology. The power amplifier on UO-22's non-amateur downlink
- failed, so satellite allocations between UO-14 and UO-22 were
- reshuffled. UO-22 is now 100% amateur, and UO-14 is 100% VITA and
- Satellife.
- Numerous travelogue slides showed people, equipment, and camels.
- Question: Are the locals generally able to operate the equipment?
- Answer: Sometimes. Luckily, the equipment has been quite reliable so
- far, so no maintenance has been required.
- Question: How is all this funded?
- Answer: The equipment is purchased by the "customer". Some money is
- also available through grants. VITA does not charge for access to
- the satellite.
- Question: Do you have difficulties with importing technology?
- Answer: Sometimes.
- =====================
- Masa Sawada, JF2GPF
- TASCO was founded by JA2AQO, the current president, in 1979. TASCO
- began by selling weather facsimile terminals and RTTY decoder. In
- the mid 1980's, TASCO began selling amateur packet radio into the
- Japanese market under license from TAPR. They are constantly working
- on new technologies, and all technical staffers are amateur radio
- operators. Congratulations to TAPR on its 10th Anniversary.
- =====================
- Bill Henry
- Clover II
- Several articles about Clover II have appeared, and more are on the
- way. The last two Proceedings of the ARRL Computer Networking
- Conference had papers by Ray Petit, W7GHM: 1990 about Clover I, and
- 1991 about Clover II. A July 1990 QEX article featured Clover I.
- Several articles have appeared in The RTTY Journal. A series in
- Communications Quarterly and another in QST will lead up to Clover II.
- Clover is still experimental - it isn't a product yet. It was
- invented by Ray Petit a year and a half ago. It was an outgrowth of
- earlier coherent CW experiments, which used phase coherent detection
- with very stable oscillators (a few parts in 1e8) and detection
- bandwidths as narrow as 0.01 Hz. Such equipment can demodulate
- signals that can't be heard by ear. The early Clover articles in QEX
- caught Bill Henry's attention, and they teamed up to make a product.
- The particulars of Clover II are derived to counteract what the
- ionosphere does to corrupt a data signal. One basic limitation of HF
- propagation is signal to noise ratio. Earlier RTTY designs have
- concentrated mainly on this problem, by optimizing bandwidth and
- using adaptive AGC or good wideband limiters.
- Another difficulty with HF is the existence of multiple propagation
- paths of different lengths. The differential delays result in
- selective fading. On voice, this is merely annoying, but on data it
- is a disaster. Out of phase signals cancel. On FSK, the mark and
- space tones fade separately (a good RTTY demodulator handles this).
- What's worse, the bits can get smeared out in time by up to several
- milliseconds. This is what's wrong with HF packet: 300 baud is too
- fast. Most experts agree that about 100 to 150 baud is the limit for
- usual HF conditions. Now and then, conditions are "like a wire" and
- there's no problem with multipath. Such conditions are quite rare -
- and that's the only time HF packet works! AMTOR users can tell you
- that sometimes even 100 baud is too fast.
- Clover copes with this problem by using a signaling rate of 31.25
- baud. That's pretty slow. To get a reasonable data rate with such a
- slow baud rate, Clover packs more than one bit in each pulse. Clover
- uses PSK with two, four, eight, or sixteen distinct phases to encode
- 1 to 4 bits of information on each pulse. Clover then uses this
- scheme in a time-staggered scheme with four different carrier tones,
- resulting in a total bandwidth of 500 Hz, which is a good match for
- available CW filters. When conditions are good, Clover goes further
- by adding two-level or four-level amplitude modulation, for even
- higher maximum data rate, without changing the basic modulation rate
- of 31.25 Hz.
- PSK modulation can be a problem, because its bandwidth is usually
- very wide. Clover avoids this problem by pulsing the four tones on
- and off with a very carefully-chosen pulse shape called a
- Dolph-Chebychev function, and performing the phase changes while the
- pulse is completely off. The result is that the energy of a
- four-tone Clover signal is very tightly contained within 500 Hz. With
- a 60 dB limit imposed by the quantization in the digital-to-analog
- converter, the Clover transmitter's sidebands are down 50 dB outside
- the 500 Hz. Two Clover signals can be spaced just 500 Hz apart (edge
- to edge) with 55 dB rejection.
- Graphs of the spectra of Clover, HF packet, and AMTOR show that Clover
- is a *lot* tighter. The standard rule of thumb says that two AMTOR
- signals need to be 1 kHz apart, and HF packet signals need 2 kHz. The
- spectra clearly show why: poor sideband suppression. Clover is
- effectively much narrower. Not only that, but Clover is faster on
- real channels. Ignoring the question of 5-bit characters versus
- 8-bit characters for now, both HF packet and AMTOR have typical
- real-world throughputs of 5 to 7 characters per second. In tests on
- the air, Clover typically achieves 50 to 80 characters per second.
- Another weakness of HF packet is the error control scheme used. With
- packet, a long frame of up to 30 seconds is sent, and every single bit
- in the frame must be received correctly, or it is discarded. Because
- of this limitation, HF packet operators must run small packet sizes
- of 32 or 64 characters. This makes the packets short enough to get
- through (sometimes), but increases the cost of packet headers and
- waiting between packets. That's how a 300 baud mode gets down to 5
- or 7 characters per second. Clover uses a forward error correction
- technique called Reed-Solomon coding. This technique transmits a few
- extra bits, and uses the carefully encoded redundancy in the data to
- correct the received data without requiring a retransmission. For
- example, a R-S code that is 60% efficient can correct 25 errors in a
- block of 255 bits. Because the R-S code can correct some errors in
- each frame, Clover is able to send longer frames without losing too
- many to errors. Of course, sometimes long frames just don't get
- through due to fading conditions; in this case Clover can fall back
- to shorter frame lengths.
- As W3IWI has pointed out, HF calls for adaptive modems. Clover is
- about as adaptive as you could want. There are 8 basic modulation
- modes to choose from (different numbers of phases and amplitudes for
- each pulse), times 4 frame lengths, plus 4 different Reed-Solomon
- codes of varying efficiency and error-correction capability, for a
- total of 128 different modulations. Every one of those 128
- modulations has the same 500 Hz spectrum. The Clover modem also
- controls the transmitter output power. Obviously, mode and power
- selection has to be automatic!
- The receiver measures the phase, time, and frequency dispersion of
- the received signal and picks a mode. It sends an order to the
- transmitter specifying which mode it wants. It can change modes
- within a second if a short block length is in use. The modes range
- from 2.3 characters per second to 94 characters per second,
- theoretical throughput. The field tests have shown a typical range
- of from 28 to 62 characters per second. Note that the receiver
- doesn't just move up to higher speeds when conditions are good and
- down to lower speeds when conditions are bad. It can figure out by
- listening to the signal what exactly is wrong with the signal and
- request the mode that best fits current conditions. For instance, if
- it notes that phase dispersion is bad, it can fall back to a mode
- with fewer phases. If it notes that it has excess signal to noise
- ratio, it can command the other station to reduce power. (This can
- lead to the rather disconcerting situation where the transmitter's
- meters are not moving, and the receiver's audio has no audible tones,
- yet characters are still moving through the link!)
- The implementation is DSP, DSP, DSP. The input jack goes to a
- transformer and a 16-bit A/D converter, and the rest is digital. The
- A/D converter is a 16-bit sigma-delta oversampling converter like the
- ones used in digital audio applications. It doesn't need any
- anti-aliasing filter, and it has lots of dynamic range. It currently
- costs $20, but should get cheaper. The transmit audio is also a 16
- bit oversampling audio component, followed by a simple filter to get
- rid of the residual 100th harmonic. A Motorola 56001 DSP processor
- supplies the signal processing horsepower. The original design used
- a 6809 microprocessor for general control functions, but it ran out
- of gas. The current prototype now uses a 68EC000 processor at about
- 30% utilization. The board contains only bootstrap ROMs; the Clover
- code is downloaded from the PC.
- Vic Poor is writing a Clover driver for Aplink. The Clover board has
- FIFOs on the input and output to relax realtime requirements, which
- is expected to be especially helpful for PCs running Windows.
- Two working prototype Clover boards will be displayed at Dayton. On
- initial release, the card will do only Clover. If anybody wants to
- write other modems for the board, the door is open. A more pressing
- need is a new protocol suitable for HF work. Anybody who writes
- network code and wants to write drivers for Clover, we can set you up
- with hardware and provide assistance. The command protocol will be
- defined by next week.
- Question: Isn't frequency accuracy and stability still a problem?
- Answer: With the faster CPU, the DSP no longer has to do Reed-Solomon
- decoding. That means it has enough spare horsepower to do more
- frequency acquisition and tracking. Clover can now handle frequency
- errors of up to 40 Hz, which is similar to the guidelines for HF
- packet.
- Question: What about intermodulation distortion in the transmitter?
- Answer: Measurements of high-end rigs show very good IMD. A worse
- problem is broadband noise, which is about 40 dB down. That doesn't
- seem to hurt, either.
- Question: What's the price?
- Answer: The introductory price will be $995. This is a lower price
- than announced before, because it's now a PC plugin board rather than
- a box. The parts are expensive, even the socket for the DSP chip is
- expensive. The board is 4 layer.
- Question: What is the peak to average power ratio?
- Answer: 3 dB for all modes.
- Question: Is it legal?
- Answer: Yes. It's not multiplex because the four tones are sent
- serially rather than in parallel. The emission designator is
- 500HJ2DEN. The Chief Engineer and Chief of Enforcement of the FCC
- have both agreed verbally that this modulation is legal.
- =====================
- Gwynn Ready, W1BEL
- PacComm Topics
- PacComm is currently working on a custom packet protocol for
- commercial HF applications. It runs long frames, but avoids the
- problems of AX.25. It uses a "superframe" containing multiple copies
- of the address and multiple checksums. It uses a selective nack
- protocol so receiving stations need only nack missing pieces of each
- superframe.
- Topic #1: PACTOR
- PacComm is exclusive licensee of PACTOR in the USA (for a few years),
- and point of contact for PACTOR. PACTOR is an ARQ protocol more like
- AMTOR than like packet. The PACTOR controller will also do RTTY and
- AMTOR, and automatically falls back when talking to a non-PACTOR
- station. It stores partially-received frames in memory and tries to
- combine them to get one good frame. This technique is called "memory
- ARQ". The box is binary compatible with the original German
- version. Hardware is expensive to build in Germany, so PacComm is
- building PACTOR controllers in the USA. An Aplink driver is on the
- way.
- Topic #2: Baycom
- Baycom (pronounced Bye-Comm) is a packet program for the IBM PC like
- DIGICOM>64 for the Commodore 64, from the same German team. They
- have now formed a company, and have licensed PacComm
- (non-exclusively) to distribute in the USA (and to work to enforce
- their copyright in the USA). Two modems are to be available: a
- serial port modem based on the TCM3105, powered from the port and
- physically inside the port connector, and a version based on the
- AM7911 in a box with HF capability. The PC-100 series will also be
- upgraded for 4-port Baycom compatibility, 300/1200/9600 baud, with
- modem disconnect and mounts for Tekk radios. These products may be
- available by Dayton.
- Topic #3: NB-96 Product Line
- The NB-96 line is a licensed version of the G3RUH 9600 baud modem.
- The weaknesses of the original design for full duplex use have been
- fixed. The board has more groundplane and more bypass capacitors.
- Receive and transmit circuits have been separated. The components
- that determine the modem speed are now on a header, so you can pick
- whatever baud rate your radios can support.
- The EM-NB96 external version of the NB-96 has been out of production,
- but now it's back in production. It is intended as a stopgap until
- DSP modems become available and affordable, or for the operator who
- already has most of the modems he expects to need and just needs to
- add 9600 baud. It is versatile: the user can switch to internal or
- external clocks, route the push-to-talk, and choose the TNC's
- built-in 1200 baud modem or either of two external modems. An LED
- indicates when you have the settings wrong -- this tends to cut down
- on user support calls.
- An integrated packet radio system containing the modem, the TNC, and
- the RF circuitry all in a single box is in prototyping now. The
- original plan was to mount the radio on the circuit board, but
- interference prevented that from working. So the radio is now
- mounted in the chassis, with the side benefit that there is now room
- for two separate radios.
- Topic #4: TNC Upgrades
- When running 9600 baud continuously (like on a satellite downlink),
- the TNC needs to support a terminal baud rate greater than 9600. The
- TINY-2 can run 19200 baud continuous, and it's the only TNC that can
- do that out of the box. TINY-2's are now shipping with 10 MHz Z80
- microprocessors, which enables them to run at 38400 baud on the
- terminal port.
- A high speed data controller based on the V53 processor with an 85230
- serial chip and a fancy power supply on-board is being marketed
- mainly to commercial customers -- it's too expensive for the ham
- market. A PacComm HandiPacket is in use on the Russian space station
- MIR, which has generated lots of publicity. They are also used in
- the ground terminals used with the DARPA Microsat project (not to be
- confused with AMSAT's more sophisticated Microsats).
- A 1200 baud modem about the size of your thumb is shipping 100 to 200
- units a month to commercial customers, who are now asking for a tiny
- 9600 baud modem.
- =====================
- Pete Eaton made a few announcements, then the meeting broke for the day.
- It reconvened at 9:00 AM on Sunday.
- =====================
- Fred Treasure, KE5CI
- A Packet-Controlled Telescope
- In 1987, Bill Neely, KC5ZG, purchased a large telescope mirror, with
- plans to automate the pointing arrangements. Since then, the system
- has grown a little ...
- Block diagram of the observatory system. A control computer in town
- communicates via a 9600 baud packet link, through a dedicated
- repeater site, through another 9600 baud packet link to the
- communication and storage computer in the "warm room" at the
- observatory ranch. That computer talks via a 2.5 Mbps ARCnet link to
- the control computer, which in turn talks via 1200 baud asynchronous
- RS-232 to the computer that controls the pointing. Whew!
- The NF/ Observatory tracks asteroids and other objects of interest,
- capturing images using a CCD camera on the 17.5 inch telescope.
- Congress has generated an initiative to shoot down an asteroid rather
- than let it collide with Earth. This observatory has volunteered to
- gather data on near-earth orbit asteroids in support of this project.
- The name "NF/" stands for "Neely Fraska Bar", the name of the ranch
- on which the observatory is located. The ranch is about 25 miles
- from Silver City, NM, at an elevation of 5800 feet. The packet
- repeater is on Baldec Peak.
- The 9600 baud links run on Mocom 70 radios with Texnet 9600 baud
- modem. The Texnet network control processor (NCP) has been modified
- to run KISS with 2048-byte packets for TCP/IP. The Silver City to
- Baldec link is on 442.5 MHz, line of sight, with 4-element yagis on
- each end of the link. The link from Baldec to the ranch is on 447.5
- MHz. There's no line of sight path on this link, so there's a
- 16-element yagi on the tower on the mountain and an 11 foot dish with
- 21 or 22 dB gain at the ranch.
- The system can transfer a 512x512 pixel image with 4 bits per pixel
- (about a half megabyte of data) in about 10 minutes. More typically,
- it transfers a 320x200x8 VGA image in about 1 minute. This kind of
- image is suitable for previewing the results. The full results are
- stored at the site, and transported using magnetic tape.
- The system includes three 80286-based computers and one XT-class
- machine. A request for a series of images is entered into the
- computer in Silver City. It goes through the links to the ranch
- house, which turns on the telescope and the rest of the computers.
- Lots of computers made more sense for this job than a larger
- multitasking machine, because realtime control was needed.
- The XT tracking computer can automatically calibrate the positioners,
- starting from the weatherproof "parked" position. Fixed sensors on
- the telescope mount can get it pointed close enough to find a
- calibration star. Then the telescope automatically locks onto the
- bright object near the center of the field. Telemetry about the
- weather and control voltages go back over the link to the in-town
- computer.
- The second computer provides the timing signals to the CCD sensor and
- stores the resulting image on its hard disk. Best performance from
- the CCD is obtained by tuning the precise voltages applied to it.
- This telescope achieves about 25 electrons of noise. Compare this to
- the best NASA sensors at 3 electrons of noise; pretty good for an
- amateur effort. About 60 images are stored on the hard disk drive,
- then they are dumped in a batch to a magnetic tape drive attached to
- the computer in the ranch house. About once a week, the data is
- fetched by car. Once the tape is verified, the hard disk is erased.
- The telescope dome automatically closes, the telescope parks, and
- powers off. The entire process is completely automated; no human
- intervention is not required. The telescope system has failsafe
- interlocks: if moisture is detected, or if the link fails, the system
- automatically parks and shuts down.
- The system cost about $5000, plus about 5000 man-hours, mostly spent
- on the programming. Bill Neely, KC6ZG, and Lori Neely did most of
- the programming; Fred Treasure and Barbara Treasure, N5HJN, provided
- most of the hardware. K2GNR and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- provided the camera chips. NASA provided the magnetic tape recorder.
- Question: Are there other sites sharing the data format?
- Answer: The data is recorded in a standard format. However, there is
- only one other telescope that's as completely radio-controlled as
- this one: the Hubble Space Telescope! The team gets invited to
- professional astronomy events. The professionals couldn't do a
- project like this for $100,000.
- Question: Is compression used on the links?
- Answer: We tried LZW compression, and it gave only about 25%
- compression on this type of data. That's not worth the extra
- trouble, since there is plenty of capacity on the links.
- Question: What polarization are the links using? My experience is
- that vertical doesn't work in the mountains.
- Answer: We chose horizontal, more or less by guess. It works.
- Question: What weather sensors are installed?
- Answer: Anemometer, a cloud sensor that works by sensing the
- temperature of the sky versus the ground, a moisture-detection grid,
- and thermistors to measure temperature.
- Question: What kind of cooling is used?
- Answer: A three-state thermoelectric cooler and liquid cooling.
- Question: Tracking rates?
- Answer: Completely variable.
- =====================
- Lyle Johnson, WA7GXD
- Bit Regenerative Full-Duplex Repeaters
- Why full duplex? It helps to cure the problems caused by hidden
- terminals. The coverage area can be controlled using antenna
- patterns, or to a lesser extent by varying the repeater transmit
- power. The Tucson LAN has a large radius of 150 miles, and the full
- duplex repeater helps throughput. It helps stations at the edges of
- the LAN to communicate.
- With bit regeneration, the repeater demodulates incoming signals and
- remodulates them before retransmission. This allows the repeater to
- control the deviation of the transmitted signal. By using a bit
- regenerator with some FIFO buffering (like the one on the new TAPR
- 9600 baud modem) to remove clock jitter and clock rate errors, the
- transmitted signal can be perfect. Most TNCs are crystal controlled,
- so not much buffer is needed.
- The bit regen repeater has some social impact as well: the repeater
- operators get some control over the type of traffic that is
- transmitted on the channel. A station that habitually hogs the
- channel can be throttled by the node TNC by simply generating a
- glitch in the middle of each packet they transmit. Technical
- compliance can also be ensured.
- Question: What are the pros and cons of checking the CRC before
- regenerating the bits?
- Answer: If the TNC waits for the entire frame to arrive so the CRC
- can be checked before transmitting, it ends up acting just like a
- digipeater. That cuts the throughput by a factor of at least two.
- The "lid filter" function mentioned above doesn't require checking
- the CRC: if the node TNC glitches the wrong frame because of bit
- errors in the received frame, the frame wouldn't have been accepted
- at the receiving end anyway. The other aspect is the need for the
- output to come on the air quickly as soon as a signal is detected on
- the input. This is required so other users won't start transmitting
- and colliding with the first input. With the FIFO, the repeater only
- sends a few bits of garbage data as a busy tone before the real bits
- start to come out.
- Question: Are the bit regen kits available now?
- Answer: Yes. It's just a couple of parts. The bit regenerator could
- be used on a 1200 baud regenerative repeater, too.
- With a central repeater, the users can use directional antennas and
- get better performance. The single-point reliability is about the
- same as a single central digipeater. The digipeater at a good site
- probably needs cavities anyway, so the additional cost of going full
- duplex is minimal.
- =====================
- Mike Curtis, WD6EHR
- Experiences with 9600 Baud
- Working with many other contributors, Mike has created a beginner's
- handbook for 9600 baud operation. 9600 isn't as hard as people think
- it is. The only big problem is getting hooked up to the radio. On
- transmit, the radio needs fairly linear response from 100 Hz to 5
- kHz, low phase distortion, and a true FM modulator. On receive, it
- needs good linearity and [I missed something here -Ed.].
- There are a few radios capable of doing 9600 baud out of the box.
- The Tekk KS900L, the D4-10, and the Ramsey kits are all good. The
- Kantronics DVR2-2 works but isn't recommended where other strong
- signals are a problem. Multimode radios are generally good prospects
- for conversion, because they use a separate circuit for FM.
- Question: What about removing extra filtering from the discriminator?
- Answer: Whatever works.
- Question: What test bench setup do you use for bit error rate
- measurements?
- Answer: The G3RUH modem has a bit error detector, which generates a
- click for each error. Just hook up an audio amplifier and tune for
- minimum clicking.
- Question: What parameters do you recommend for 9600 baud links?
- Answer: TXDELAY as low as 3 usually works, but 6 to 10 is better.
- TXTAIL about 2. FRACK (the T1 timer) at 4 or 5. These parameters
- should be slightly more aggressive than at 1200 baud.
- Question: Can 9600 be used co-channel with 1200?
- Answer: Yes. In fact, we have a repeater that is dual mode
- 9600/1200. It seems to work, though there isn't much 9600 activity.
- Question: Is 9600 used on 2m in Los Angeles?
- Answer: Yes, on 2m and on 70cm.
- Question: What about the Motorola Mostar 800 MHz radio?
- Answer: Never heard of it.
- Question: Thanks for writing the beginner's notes!
- Answer: It was fun, and I had lots of help. I hope 9600 baud will
- take over as people try it and find it so much better that they want
- to abandon 1200 baud.
- =====================
- [ sorry, I didn't catch this ad-hoc speaker's name or call. -Ed.]
- Experience with Mitrek Radios at 9600
- We obtained some surplus Mitreks. A technician from Motorola didn't
- think they'd work on 9600. They do, with both the G3RUH modem and
- the K9NG modem. We intended to support an application for appliance
- operators, so we wrote a paper that describes the necessary
- modifications in detail. The Mitrek is fairly easy to modify.
- Several people have successfully followed the paper.
- It's important to use shielded wire like RG-174. The original
- instructions called for running the wires through a hole in the case,
- but we found it possible to run the wires through the existing I/O
- connector, which makes the modified radio much more serviceable.
- About 10 are in use, with paths ranging from a few miles to 40 miles,
- vertical and horizontal antennas. When two of the radios are stacked
- on top of each other, some IF crosstalk causes interference between
- the two radios.
- It's important to get 15 to 20 dB margin on the links. We did bit
- error rate tests, even though that isn't necessarily the best
- indicator. We use Comet and Diamond dualband antennas for
- back-to-back VHF/UHF nodes. Horizontal polarization with beam
- antennas seems to work better.
- The biggest problem with the Mitrek is bandwidth. We replace the
- 4-pole filter in the front end with a wire, which is a little touchy
- at 10.7 MHz. We have avoided preamps because of problems with
- turnaround time. We run TXDELAY of 3 to 5. We've tried TCP/IP, but
- we usually run NET/ROM. We have a Gracilis packet switch, but it's
- not fully installed and working.
- Question: Can you really run TXDELAY at 3 to 5 with K9NG modems?
- Answer: Yes, even with the Mitrek's antenna relay.
- Question: Did you modify the DCD circuit in the K9NG modem?
- Answer: No.
- Question: Did you make any modifications to the K9NG modem at all?
- Answer: Some have done some work on the filters and DCD.
- Question: Did you notice any performance loss when the front end filter
- was removed from the Mitrek?
- Answer: No. We have three sites that are heavily infested with other
- transmitters, and haven't had any real problems.
- Question: How many hops work in the network?
- Answer: 3, 4, 5. The link to Chicago works, even though it's not 9600
- all the way.
- Question: How much difference did the custom EPROM in the G3RUH modem make?
- Answer: We didn't make one. The default modem is good enough.
- Question: Do the Mitreks also have a low IF?
- Answer: No.
- =====================
- Eric Gustafson, N7CL
- More Experiences with 9600 Baud
- The local oscillator the Mitrek generates about 1.5 watts of power,
- which is applied to the mixer. If you follow the Motorola
- instructions for tuning the front end filters, you get a strong LO
- signal everywhere, especially on the feedlines. This signal will
- leak into any other Mitrek, in both directions. We had this problem
- in a commercial installation in a mine in Nevada, resulting in
- crosstalk between vehicles when they were close together. We were
- able to realign the front end filters, and the extra attenuation
- helps substantially.
- We use Tekk radios for 1200 bps telemetry. Their front ends can't
- take other strong signals. We have found them reasonably useable;
- others have had more luck.
- Out of 10 radios, one was 15 kHz off frequency -- with 15 kHz
- bandwidth filters! Filters were misaligned, resulting in over 20 dB
- of loss. The Tekk radios perform very poorly under thermal cycling.
- The transmitters perform pretty well, probably because they have to
- pass FCC tests, but the receivers don't. We went to crystal
- manufacturer Hy-Q, sort of a Filters-R-Us house. They provided
- filters and crystals that cured the problems with the Tekk filters
- and crystals, including frequency jumps and frequency errors. So now
- we order the Tekk radios without quartz, and get a cheaper price.
- For many other radios, we found the filters weren't really quite wide
- enough for 9600. For a given radio, you can find an optimum FSK
- shift but low signal to noise ratios. Often, you have a choice
- between high error rate with the best S/N performance or low error
- rates but poor S/N performance.
- Murata-Erie is now making 450 kHz ceramic filters specifically
- designed for data transmission, in the standard package. Two
- bandwidths are available, about right for 9600 and 19200 baud
- respectively. So now the 1st IF in many radios can be opened up by
- just replacing the filter with the right bandwidth unit. The
- resulting eye patterns look just like the transmitted signal.
- Question: What's a Tekk radio?
- Answer: A very small crystal-controlled transceiver that's both cheap
- and inexpensive. They are available for amateur frequencies as well
- as the commercial units we use. The transmitter tuning is very
- broad. Unfortunately, so is the receiver tuning.
- Question: What application did Tekk originally intend for these radios?
- Answer: Not sure. They are advertised for telemetry applications.
- Question: Do you know of a source for manuals for a 2m Mitrek radio?
- Answer: If all Mitrek manuals are the same, I have one.
- Question: There is a radio by Maxim (sp?) that's similar to the Tekk.
- And the WA4ONG commercial product uses a Motorola Radius board set.
- Do you have any experience with these?
- Answer: We tried the Radius, and it worked well except for the
- Motorola local oscillator problem. It uses a MMIC mixer with no RF
- stage, with the result that every harmonic of the LO out to at least
- 2 GHz is coming out strong. They also have a spurious response 900
- kHz away from the primary response (on 8 out of 8 units).
- Question: Maxars?
- Answer: Not tried. We have used Maxtors successfully.
- Question: Kantronics D4-10?
- Answer: Not tried. The Kantronics 2m version is just wretched.
- Question: What is the part number of the filter you use in the Tekk
- radio?
- Answer: Custom part number Hy-Q QMF21MB30 roofing filter. This mod
- requires other component changes too. The 450 filter is SFG or SFH
- line. The SFH450F works at 19200 or 9600 without compensation.
- Question: What bandwidth?
- Answer: +/- 12 kHz, which is a bit wide for 9600, but that allows for
- some frequency error.
- Question: So you would need a channel wider than 25 kHz?
- Answer: It wouldn't interfere with, but might get some interference
- from, adjacent channels at 25 kHz. With the G filter, you get +/- 9
- kHz, which is about right for 9600. The skirts are a bit high, but
- that's how they get flat group delay for data.
- Question: What's a source for Murata filters is small quantities?
- Answer: Maybe TAPR should provide this service.
- Question: If we use a 455 kHz model instead of a 450 kHz model, it
- would work in other radios than the Tekk.
- Answer: So would the 450 kHz model, but it would be more painful.
- Question: Was the 2nd LO frequency changed because of stability
- problems?
- Answer: The stock crystals were just on the wrong frequency.
- Question: How much power does the Tekk radio generate?
- Answer: Just under 2 watts.
- Question: What quantity do you order to get prices of $40 to $50
- each?
- Answer: 8's.
- Question: Any experience with Repco or Ramsey radios?
- Answer: Not with Repco. With Ramsey, my only experience is with
- their test equipment, which was junk.
- WA7GXD: Built a Ramsey kit. The Ramsey people were cooperative about
- filling shortages in the received kit. Got it working for about an
- hour, and then it died. Haven't had a chance to work on it since.
- KE3Z: Has a Ramsey radio working the ARRL Lab. The coil in the
- transmitter was way off, but could be tweaked. The spectral purity
- didn't meet the FCC requirements; it wasn't even close. Ramsey has
- said there is a new model coming out, and not to bother publishing a
- review of the current model. A user could provide postfiltering to
- meet the rules. The receive side wasn't great either.
- N7CL: I prefer receivers that have a double-balanced mixer in the
- front end.
- Somebody: I just built a new 220 MHz Ramsey kit, and it's hot. I have
- it transmitting on 9600, still working on receive.
- WA7GXD: Most radios work fine on frequency -- the question is how well
- they work where they aren't supposed to work.
- Question: What about the Alinco data radio?
- W1BEL: It doesn't pass direct FM signal without modification.
- W3IWI: I've heard that the only difference is the front panel and the
- fact that it doesn't come with a microphone.
- Somebody: The manual on my Alinco is the worst I've seen.
- N7CL: The manual always comes last.
- =====================
- Pete Eaton said thanks to everybody who came. If you're going to be
- at Dayton, stop by the booth and say hi.
- He then closed the TAPR annual meeting at 10:40 AM.
- [Report Downloaded from UoSAT-OSCAR-22 by DB2OS]